Saturday, December 01, 2007

"Christmas Morning" with Nana and Bumpa

Nana and Bumpa are leaving this morning, so yesterday we had Christmas morning with the boys. You can ONLY imagine the excitement all morning long!

Here are some high lights.

Christmas morning can officially start when the box of turtles is unwrapped

Then the madness began:

Christmas isn't Christmas with Nana without ROOTS Canada! For the boys, and Mommy too. I will never take these jammies off again (not pictured ~ nanny nanny boo boo)

It was a boys' boy Christmas. CARS, CARS, CARS....and Rescue Heros.

As you can see, everyone enjoyed themselves. The boys especially. Not just because of the gifts, but also because they got to spend Christmas with family while daddy is away! What a treat!
Oh and dear we did not forget you. You have a couple gifts to unwrap when you get home!!!

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