Thursday, July 24, 2008

May I have your attention please?

In an attempt to keep this positive this week, I am only posting positive and happy posts.

That said, I have three things to post for just today alone!

1) My babysitter (whom we love) and the boys made a cake and decorated it for daddy's arrival tomorrow. It looks very home made! LOL

2) Scott is in Germany and getting ready to head to Baltimore....wooo hooo!!

3) I RAN SIX MILES TODAY ON THE DREADMILL......six whole miles (in 54 minutes).....on the DREADmill! This is a personal best for me BY FAR! I have been running 3 miles with ease outdoors. However, it's just too unbearable to run outside anymore so this week I took my runs indoors. Monday I ran 5 miles and just about had a heart attack because of how shocked I was to surpass my usual 3 mile run! Then today, I ran 6.13 miles.....SIX!!!!! This is huge! Definitely something I hope I can do again....

So yay!!! Ending the week on a happy note...that and we have our AC back. Did I tell you about that story? Oh no, I didn't....becuase that would be a very UNhappy post for the week! I'm not allowed to post unhappy posts! I will however say, thanks to having no AC in 100 degree weather, we got to spend the night in a hotel with a vacation with continental breakfast ~woo hooooo!
By the way, this is our sitter's artistic expression of our family! LOL


Jen said...

Ha! I was wondering what happened to the AC post--it showed up on my reader and then wasn't here when I was going to comment.

Glad to hear all your good news! : )

Lisa said...

I'm so glad Scott is coming home!!! YAY! And those are some definite happy posts, way to go. If you need something to distract you until your sweetie arrives, head over to my blog . . .

Alyssa said...

Be sure to post all about your reunion!!!

Anonymous said...

Ramstein, really?! Dude I would have requested beer - Schoefferhoeffer Kristallweizen, to be exact - had I known!! ;)
Enjoy yourselves!! XOXO

Debi said...

I love your rendition of your family!!!