Saturday, September 06, 2008

I'm Evolving....

When Scott and I dated in high school, I was "Killer's girlfriend" or "Kilgore's chick". Nevermind I was the one who had attended that high school my entire 5 years and he was the new kid on the block...but whatever

Then we get married and I'm now "Kilgore's wife". Everyone knows in the military you only go by last names, but what's worse is not even having a name at all.

When we lived in Naples, Italy, I played competitive slow pitch over there, made a name for myself and the joke then became Scott was "Kilgore's huband" or "Doozer's huband", I LOVED that.

So we move back to the states and yet again, I am "Kilgore's wife". Fine, whatever.

I have kids a few years later and I'm now Zach and Ty's Mom. Cute, yes. Proud? Yes. But can I just find someone who cares to know who I am?

I recently met someone who does.

I was walking out of the school the other day, after dropping Zach off, and this little girl was walking into the school with her mom. We met at the doors. Under her breath she turns to her mom and says very excitedly with a huge grin "That's Zach Kilgore's Mom". I could not help but smile and chuckle all the way to the grocery store! It was just too cute.

Then I thought: "oh boy. He's only five. It is starting already......"


Debi said...

How cute!

Anna@Exasperation said...

If you prefer I can refer to Scott as Christy's husband from now on. In fact, it would please me to do so. Just recently I was talking about the Iowa Kilgore's and instead of calling them the "Jerry Kilgore's" as I've done in the past I realized that at some point I started calling them the "Sara Kilgore's." So, you and your brood shall from henceforth be known as "Christy and the Gang, featuring 'lil CK." Word.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Fo shizzle!

Christy said...

Love that Anna!!! Especially the "featuring CK" because it's rare that we're actual a family unit anymore!

Sara K. said...

Anna - idk when you left your comment, but i just commented on Nicole's blog after her case of mistaken identity, about that very thing. Alyssa, I feel a rap comin' on (meaning, you need to write one, because I'm no good at that stuff and you are).

Shell said...

Love it! And starts in glad you're not the little girls mom (oh the stuff that my boy crazy daughter came home with!)