Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ty's 1st Day of School

Ty started preschool today at his new preschool.

Here are highlights!
The new shoes!
The raincoat he will NOT part from, even though it is TWO sizes too small!
The entry into his 3 year old room!
His spot at the table!


Gloria Van Dusen said...

Little Ty is growing up. He sure looks like he is ready. Go Ty Go. Have fun.

Lisa said...

TOO-OO cute! I love the picture in the raincoat! Hey, at least he is insisting on putting clothes ON- Brian is going through a 'nudist' phase- sigh.

Anna@Exasperation said...

The raincoat is just plain fantastic. There's no getting around it. And the fact that he has the HOOD ON and TIED makes it even better. I love your children.