Wednesday, May 06, 2009

MARRIED single - parenting SUCKS!

'nuff said


Jess B said...


Sara K. said...

Yep. Hang in there, Pensacola is just around the corner.

Jen said...

I agree!!

Shell said...

This doesn't look like way back Wednesday ;) you know you just smiled...sorry I called you BEFORE I saw you MUST call me back.

Lisa said...

Darn tootin' it does.

Alyssa said...

Sorry sista friend.

Love you.

Denise said...

However, you do a wonderful job!

Anonymous said...

Ummm... yeah. Right there with ya. Even though Karl comes home every night to sleep, that's about it. It's better for the kids that he shows his face around here every so often, but for me, it was easier when he was in Iraq and I could just go about my business knowing he wasn't going to walk in 5 seconds before bedtime and blow the schedule out of the water. Their current postings won't last forever, but some days it sure seems like it!
