Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Each year as the months count down and we approach Christmas, I start to think about the New Year. I think that is only natural for most of us, who set goals for ourselves and hope to see growth from one year to the next.

What forced me to do it earlier than usual was the 100 free prints promo going on at Mommysavers. I hadn't started a baby book for Ty yet, so with this promotion going on now, I forced myself to sit down and sift through the many pictures I've taken over the past 4 1/2 years. Even though I am set in my decision to not bear children again it was still very emotional for me to look back and see my babies as babies, and all the things we did together as a family, and see where we are today. Time surely does fly!

As I was reminiscing through pictures, I then clicked on my blog archive. W-o-W! It's so crazy to think I live this life!!!!! (and who would have thought I was such a whiner?)

As sad as it can be to look back, I encourage you to do so your own blogs ~ for fun. See how far you've come and see where life has taken you. I for one am so thankful for all the adventures and beaten paths we've blazed. Maybe not in the moment, but I have definitely appreciated the journey!

Have a great week everyone!


Denise said...

You are not a whiner!

Anna@Exasperation said...

Not a whiner! Me: Whiner. Christy: TROOPER.