Monday, March 15, 2010

So very proud.

I have to be careful about what kind of information I give out on here, so I will only post pictures (which you can enlarge) to see why it is I am super proud of my husband. Pay close attention to the jet and the wording you see there.

So. Very. Proud.


Anna@Exasperation said...

1.) CONGRATS to CK! I love that his call sign is on there, too. It makes me all happy inside.
2.)You look AH-MAZING. Seriously. Scott is a lucky, lucky man.
3.) So far potty-training is KILLING me. I'm hoping it gets better before Wednesday. Because I want to kiss those boys faces!

Lisa said...

Heck yeah!! That is awesome!!!! Love it.

Deb said...

I'm with Anna ... I'm all "look at the hottie standing next to the dude with his name on a plane."

Congrats to you both!

Denise said...

That is very cool!

Shell said...

haha I love Deb's reply :)

Awesomeness at it's finest. Seriously.