Friday, January 27, 2012

I am going back on my promise....already

My Best Friend is moving to Seattle, March 16th.

That is all I can mutter right now.


Chrystapooh said...

Oh sweetheart. I feel your pain. I had a really really really hard time when Nicole left me. Is it a military move? Any chance you'll get stationed together again?

Deb said...


I have nothing else to add, because it just sucks.

Christy said...

No Chrysta, our paths won't meet again. Her hubby is now a civilian and is working for Boeing in WA.

It sucks 'cuz I don't make Best Friends, on purpose. I have never allowed myself to do that, FOR THIS VERY REASON. So really, I'm more upset with myself than anything else

On the plus side: there is facebook
(look at me being positive!!!)

Chrystapooh said...

It was super hard when Colie moved. We couldn't hang out at our favorite tapas place, or go out to lunch and grumble with each other when our kids and/or husbands were driving us crazy. No more dropping everything when the other was sad to spend the evening eating ice cream and watching trashy tv and venting till the sad one felt better and didn't have any tears left. BUT. It wasn't the end of our relationship. It may have morphed a bit, but we are still close. When there was something going on before Christmas that I really needed to share but didn't want to worry anyone else with, guess who got the text? And it all blew over, but knowing she's still there for me is sooooo precious.

You know I grew up moving every few years. I was always the new kid and after I was 12, I never made another friend who I could consider "best." In fact, I had few, if any close friends outside the family. But Colie and I connected in a way that is rare, and I will be forever changed for having been close to her. It's made me see that I need to be more open in my life instead of closing myself off to the wonderful possibilities that women friends can be.

I know you're sad, and I know it's hard. But know that you'll get through it together and you'll still be tight. Will it be different? Maybe, but it will still be far more good than you could ever imagine missing out on. Don't close your heart, Sista Friend. It ain't worth it.

If you need to talk/vent/cry, you know how to reach me. Love you.

Chrystapooh said...

And besides, now you have the MOST EXCELLENT excuse for a girly trip ever!!!

Kristina said...

Come visit me. I'll visit you. End of story. Love you, sister wife!