Monday, July 21, 2008

A Happy Post Today

I'm humbled by the response of my RANT this week. I really just had to let it all out and honestly I'm glad I did. I felt TEN TIMES better releasing it and then 50 times better hearing the response from those of you who cared to support me. Thank you.

So this week, I will focus only on happy posts. Afterall Scott returns from the middle east on Friday!!

So today's happy post is this:

My SIL Kathryn sent me the most special gift today.....something that made me smile. Notice the note attached? Totally made my day. So thank rock!

My second happy post today is that my very best friend in the whole wide world, has this wonderful way of sending me small gifts when she thinks of me. It just so happens that when she was on her vacation last week, she thought of me, and sent me this in the mail! Again, another reminder of someone out there just wanting to pick me up....and I so appreciate it! Thank you Susie!
(in the event you can't open this picture, it is an assortment of COWS, Inc products, from the COWS store....totally and "udderly" awesome!)

Four more sleeps until my baby is home...FOUR MORE SLEEPS!!!! Could this week get any better? (Ok, I just knocked on wood, we should be safe....knocking on wood again)

Mu-ah to all xo


Chrystapooh said...

So glad you're feeling lighter. It definitely helps to just get it all out sometimes. I swear, sometimes it seemed like all I did was whine while Karl was downrange! Thankfully, I made a few friends who just let me whine away without even rolling their eyes behind my back ;P It was nice to know I could vent and they would still love me. Doesn't it just make it easier to breathe???

Anna@Exasperation said...

Kathryn ROCKS! What a sweet thought! Yay, K!
I'm also glad you got that out of your system. It most certainly helps. In the first couple months after Sophie was born I would send Sara the WORST emails so she could make me all better. And I would always feel better the minute I hit "Send." I'm so glad that you let it all out and let your reading audience help you out. Being a little vulnerable is what we all need sometimes.
Guess what? TWO more sleeps!

Debi said...

How was that book???