Saturday, July 19, 2008

This is Why I'm Hot (Deployed Style)

I found this video at JUST the right time!!! I needed a laugh and it provided!!



Shell said...

LOVE IT! He had me at "Paste-y white" :p

Chrystapooh said...

Didn't I tell you they're BORED OUT OF THEIR SKULLS when they're not actually working????? Start clicking the links that come up when it's over and it will be driven home to you that these guys have WAY too much time on their hands...

Erin said...

That was great!

Clay Laura CJ Preston and Aparri said...

When Clay came back from his first deployment he kept saying "He was Hot" and singing this snappy tune with it....Clay showed me the video and it is definitely a favorite of ours!! I am glad that you are back with your hubby - reunions are sweet!