Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ramblings from a kindergarteners' mom!

Zach received word that he is indeed going to start Kindergarten next week (the 14th). Yikes!! How did this day creep up on us like this? Wasn't he just born yesterday? I remember that day clearly. Boy times does fly.

He's ready, though. He really is. He's ready to begin The Big Boy phase. No, I'm not talking about potty training or any of that. I am talking about learning about the world, through the eyes of others and making smart decisions about problems and circumstances he will be faced with.
It scares me to death, of course. I want to shelter him as much as I possibly can, however, we feel as his parents we do have an open communication with him and hope that when he is confronted with something he's unsure of, he will come to us. Reading this back to myself makes it sound like I am anticipating him to be offered narcotics on the first day of school! No, I don't. But I do fear he will hear and see things he hasn't been exposed to. That is a fear we face all the time, but this time it will be five days a week for the rest of his life. **gulp**

Our Open House is on Tuesday. Thankfully daddy will be here for that. We'll go in and meet the teacher and drop off our school supplies, which we picked out together yesterday. He is just so excited about kindergarten. I am trying to be just as excited as he is, but I do know my heart is partially break when I see him head to the big doors of the school on the 14th. So surreal. I can remember my own first day of kindergarten. I remember my teacher too: Mrs. Smith. I loved her. She spoke with such a soft gentle voice. She always told me I looked pretty when mom made me wear a dress to school (I think they were in cahoots with one another).

Ty doesn't start his preschool until September so this will give us some one on one time. Which is nice, because I can't remember the last time I was able to spend time with Ty and not be INTERUPTED!! I mean the poor kid can't even write his name without Zach taking over. Sure, he's got the "T" down pat, but heaven forbid he want his mommy to help him with a "Y". Big brother will just step in and take it on himself. So yes I am happy to have this time with him and for him to keep me company as Scott gears up for another deployment at the end of the month.

This month is gearing up to be a busy one. We have Ty's open house on the 25th. Zach's Parent Meeting on the 26th. Scott leaves on teh 26th .Soccer starts that same week. It's going to be crazy. But again, as I said in an earlier post, the busier we are, the quicker the time seems to fly when daddy is away. Before we know it he'll be home again in September.

I'm also training to run in a 5K race in October. Well I'm not really "training" for it, as much as I am excited about it. This is the first time I will have a "team" behind me. A group of us are running in the Race for the Cure. It's a run/walk event so we can include friends who can't run the 5K themselves. Our MOMS Club is making a team too which is great. I am hoping Anna (my SIL) can join us as well. Should be fun. Hopefully this fall I will find a 10K in which I can compete in for the first time. I have been running 6 miles consistently on the dreadmill. I sure hope once the heat passes, I can take that distance outdoors. That will be the true test!


Alyssa said...

Wow, the big K. What a milestone! And is it just me, or is Aug 14 really early to be starting school?? Like...2 weeks before any places around here are starting!! Anywhoo... that's good that he got in, wasn't there an issue with not being enough room in the schools??

Good luck with all your training. I still can't believe you've tamed the dreadmill!

Chrystapooh said...

Hudson starts pre-school (TU/TH/FR 9:30-1:30) next week and we can't wait. We both need some time with him out of the house. We've been more or less held hostage by our landscaping fiasco this summer, and all he does now is whine to go somewhere where there are other kids to play with. I can see, though, how I might feel differently next year when he will be gone all day five days a week.

Way to go on your diligence with the dreadmill. I also need to get some type of exercise equipment because going to the gym is an impossibility, and the heat makes outdoor exercise unbearable, but first we have to finish the backyard.

Shell said...

You're gonna do fine (after the initial bawl fest), and Zach...well, please he is going to do AWESOME and will love school. And hopefully he won't be like Colin (on the last day of Kindergarten I said "you're a first grader now!" and he replied "I don't think I can handle this."

Susie said...

Zach will be fine, you, well, you just have a box of kleenex handy b/c you are gonna need 'em. You will, though, enjoy your time with Ty, that I promise. And, yep, keep busy and this deployment will 'fly' right by! Hugs

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't get a chance to check in as much as I'd like. We're thinking of you and the boys.

Wow! Time sure flys. He'll be fine at school, meeting new friends and causing trouble in the class :) KIDDING! How many great memories do you have of school/activities?? I know I do....

Good luck with the runs and if you need donations let me know! I'll be happy to help out.

You're a great person...

Talk soon!