Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Calgon, take me away........

I am really hating my day to day right now. HALF DAY KINDERGARTEN SUCKS. My entire day is broken up to be this impossible schedule whereby I can't get anything done! Mornings are dedicated to the Y, PERIOD. I take the kids with me at 9am. We stay until 10:30-11:00'ish and then it's rush home to shower, feed the kids lunch, do up the dishes, sweep the floor and take Zach to Kindergarten. We're there by ten after and sit and chat until 1/4 after when he can go inside the classroom. Then the countdown to pick him up begins. I have 2 hours and fifteen minutes....

In that time, I need to get groceries, do laundry, fold laundry, put laundry away, clean the house, mow the lawn, vacume, dust, think of what the heck we're going to have for dinner, think of Soccer drills for Zach's team, entertain Ty, Oh....and I'm also responsible for my administrative duties on Mommysavers.com. Any time I sit down on this computer I'm hounded by the kids. I mean HOUNDED: watch me, do this, "he hit me", somebody's whining, someone needs their bum wiped, the phone rings, the post man is at the door, someone's IM'ing me about something....I'm just DRAINED.

Oh and then poof, that time off is gone and I'm back to sit in line to pick Zach up. He comes home in a FURRY. He's bouncing off the walls and very rambuctious. I'm like "did your teacher give you candy today, you're acting crazy!". His response "no, I had to be good the entire time. We didn't go outside to play". Followed by "I'm bored of Kindergarten, we don't play much" because in case you missed my blog a few weeks ago, they are teaching the kiddos how to read in KINDERGARTEN. So for the two hours they are in school I can bet it's pretty intense, compared to what it was like for us when we went to school.

The after school hours are killing me. They are at each other the entire time and if they aren't doing that we're running the roads going to soccer practise, the library, church stuff, etc. I'm just burnt out.

But that's my Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Monday's and Wednesdays are worse because Ty goes to preschool those days. I drop him off at 9:25 and then head to the Y (or bible study if it's Monday). I leave class early on Mondays to rush Zach home to feed him lunch and then we're off to Kindergarten. 2 hours and 15 minutes of "freedom" to only come home and think about all the things I SHOULD be doing, but can't bear to take myself off the couch to do. Then I go pick up Ty at 2:15 to have him pitch a fit that he doesn't want to come home (which on some days is appealing). We then sit in the line to pick up Zach and repeat the horrific afternoon hurdles mentioned above.

I want to eat out every day just so I don't have to cook: but I know better. I want to hire a sitter for the afternoons just so I can breathe: but we can't afford to do that every day.
I want my husband home and to be my partner through this: but that's not a guarantee either.

I want to change my name from "M-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-MMMMMMMMMMMMM" (most commonly known as "mom) to Mrs. Frumpydoodlmagicianoctopus so that my nerves and my ears can have a break from drama!

It's just one of those days.


Anonymous said...

Hudson goes to school longer than Zach does! Two hours and 15 minutes?!?! That's crazy! Is this for the whole year? Or do they work up to full days by next semester? Huh.

I hear you about not getting anything done, though. We don't have so much going on outside the house, but Cannon is on a tear lately, and I can't seem to get him and Keaton napping at the same time, so there's never a dull moment. And those that are, I'm so wiped from dumb stuff like picking up the couch pillows 37 times a day that when I should be trying to clean the bathrooms or mop my hallway, here I sit, reading blogs (my version of Calgon - I'm not a bath girl). Thanks for giving me lots to read today, btw!

Christy said...

So I'm not the ONLY one picking up couch pillows 37 times a day? What a relief! LOL!

Alyssa said...

Ummmm...normally I'm not an advocate of drugging your children, but perhaps some Nyquil a little early in the evening might help once in a while?!? JK!

But seriously...

How goes it with the babysitter hunt?

Sara K. said...

Sounds like your GNO won't be here soon enough. I hope you enjoy it!

Pick up. Drop off. That is my life.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Yeah, what's with the 2 hours 15 minutes of school? Since when is THAT a schedule!!?? Cam only goes twice a week but it's 3 hours. Crazy! Cam used to go to an abbreviated version that was just 90 minutes and it's such a joke. Anything under 3 hours gives you NO TIME to actually get anything done! So I'm feeling your pain, sister!!!

Shell said...

I changed my name to Princess Mufasawannabeladonna for 2 days...It was nice :)

Your schedule is NUTS girl....you deserve a calgon moment...or a calgone weekend...Should I be e-mailing Scott?

Lisa said...

Oh my word- I do sympathize!!! Hang in there. As I used to tell myself when I was the teacher- "I can do this. 180 days is not forever." I know that does not sound particularly comforting, but I know you can get through this!! HUGS to you!!

Nicole said...

Good grief Christy! I am wiped out just reading your day!

That kindergarten schedule is ridiculous. You need to move to Georgia -- we have mandatory all day here. I'm talking getting on the bus at 8:05 and getting off the bus at 3:45. It made me sad for about the first week:)