Wednesday, October 22, 2008


About three weeks ago, just before Scott left, we headed to the Pumpkin Patch. Lucky for us, we had the entire place to ourselves. We took our time and just poked around, petting the animals, going through the corn maze, riding the trikes, going on a hayride, sitting by the pond. It was just heavenly to not be in a rush to do anything and to enjoy each other's company before Daddy left.
The guy I am pictured with here, is my husband. You may vaguely remember him. His name is Scott. We don't see him much, but when we do he's a lot of fun!

Last week was fall break. We had three days off from school so the boys and I meandered down town and took with us some crumbs to feed the ducks in the canal. We also visited Bricktown's water fountain and of course, climbed trees. If there is a tree, there is a monkey in it! We spent a day at the park too with our friends. Without them, both mommy and the boys would go crazy in daddy's absense! Thank you FRIENDS xo
October 13th was Canadian Thanksgiving and our tradition is to host a feast for our American friends. What does this picture of ice cream mean or signify? Let's ask Vilona and Mari. Only they can truly explain its importance!

This is me shuttling kids to and fro somewhere. I am most likely in a car than I am at home it seems. This half day kindergarten deal sucks....but we're making the most of it!
This is me not amused with how Ty has decided to wear his seat belt. I told him minutes after taking this I would have to send him to jail because I didn't want to pay a fine. He broke into tears. I didn't document that!!!! He's much cuter when he's happy.
And lastly, is it just me, or does Zach seem all grown up to you? (sniff sniff). This picture was taken just before he left for school today. I could not get over how little boy he is now. Every once in awhile I will catch myself just staring at him and wondering where all the years went. I know there are only 5 1/2 of them to count, but they have passed too quickly.


Mari said...

aww ... sniffle-sniffle! :)
and PS, how wrong is it that our kids are in SHORTS in OCTOBER!?!!

Lisa said...

I really canNOT believe how grown up your boys are! Wow. Love the pictures!

Gloria Van Dusen said...

Great pictures - but take a closer look at Ty in the 'seat belt' situation. I see a bit of Adam on his face.

Shell said...

Your trees have monkeys too huh?! Kelsey never met a tree she didn't like :) GREAT pics! "Lactose Free"...just about fell out of the chair on that one :)

Jess B said...

Geez, Christy, could you be any more gorgeous? ;)

Your boys are getting so big! Hard to believe they're that old already!! Where DID the time go???

Debi said...

Love the pictures! Looks like you all had a great time!