Saturday, November 01, 2008

Last Day of Soccer, First Day of Skating Lessons!

I hung up my Soccer Mom and Coach jersey this morning after our 9am game, to then put on a turtle neck and sweater and head to the rink. I am now Hockey Mom for the next eight weeks! It was so fun to see the boys out on the ice today! I can't wait to see how they progress. I wasn't able to get any pics from the rink today as I was behind the glass cheering this time, so I will instead share some last soccer game shots, Scott took from the sidelines!

(click to enlarge the pic on the right ~ Serious tongue action!!!)


Gloria Van Dusen said...

Cool pictures. Zach sure has his heart into the kick.

Jess B said...

I LOVE your new blog header!!

Christy said...

Thank you!

I was playing around with my settings......

Alyssa said...

Love love love the new pic at your header!!

Anna@Exasperation said...

GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT picture! And love those photos of Zach kickin the crap out of that ball. Go Z Go!!!
(p.s. are you SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE you're not coming to PA for Christmas? REALLY? PLEASE? What if I beg? It will be less perfect if you're not there. So you know you're totally responsible for making it less perfect. I blame you. I totally do. Okay, not really at all. But we'll MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS you guys! Who's going to bring the newlywed game?!?!? Okay, whine over.)