A simple pleasure in my world is having my husband home. H-O-M-E. Well we had him home on Wednesday after he had been away for a week. He came home late Wednesday night (11pm) and was supposed to be here until Tuesday before having to leave again. That was until he got "the call" Thursday afternoon saying "we're leaving in an hour". WHAT? Yah, so now he's leaving (again) and not sure when he will return. Worse: Zach has been at school all day. This will not go over well considering we've been talking up this weekend's plans (camping, fishing, etc). I hate being the one to have to tell him about the change in plans. It's so frequent you would think I would be used to it, but it's never easy telling the boys about Daddy having to leave. Especially Zach. No matter how frequently Scott leaves, it's always devastating to him to have to say "goodbye" to Daddy. AND worse still when we can't even assure him Daddy will be home the next night, or the night after that.
So knowing all of this, I pick him up from school and gently tell him that Daddy has been at work all day and learned he has to leave to go help fix a broken plane in the car. Immediate WATER WORKS. Poor kid. I hate this part. So I join in.
When we get home and he runs to his room, completely torn up. But this was the plan: get him to get it all out of his system before Scott returns from base to pack and then leave again. It's hard on Scott as it is to always feel like he's letting us down by always having to leave.... you know what I mean?
So I make dinner and we eat together as a family (quickly), Scott packs and we say out "goodbyes". *sigh*
Thursday morning I wake and check my email to see if there are any updates from Scott. None. I go about my day. No phone call. No emails. No facebook status changes. Nothing. I call him: voice mail. Does that mean he's flying home? Does that mean he's busy? Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
8:30pm, kids are tucked in their beds and then I receive a call (my first one of the day). "I'll be home in an hour".
So we breathe a collective sigh of relief: Daddy is home for the weekend (we hope).
We continue on with our original plan: BBQ with friends, date night, fishing, camping out, chillin'. BEST. WEEKEND. EVER.
Right on! Looks like you guys had a great weekend!
AGGH!! What a day . . . I'm glad it turned out good!
Awww. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside:)
I am so glad it turned out well!
Happy tears! YAY!!
Disaster averted! Yay for an awesome weekend!!! Woot woot!
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