Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's "udderly" insane!

... and no this blog has nothing to do with cows...only I have something to do with cows...and my love for them. That's all.

In the past week I could have seriously lost my mind. In fact, I think I did. Over the last seven days this is what our family has endured.

Wednesday, Sept 2th: Daddy comes home, late, after being away for over a week. Yay, daddy is home and yay it's a long weekend. Woo hoo!

Thursday, Sept 3th: Daddy gets a call and has to leave. He is given an hour to go home and pack. Meanwhile Zach has been at school all day and has not had a chance to prepare for this (nor have I). Scott meanwhile cannot even assure us he will be home the next night to enjoy the plans we have for the Labor Day weekend. It was a ROUGH night. But we say our "goodbyes" and head to Ty's Open House. Yay Ty is going back to school....yay!

Friday, Sept 4: I hear nothing from Scott all night Thursday and today. I take my frustrations out at the gym and prepare for the LONGEST. WEEKEND. EVER. At 10pm he calls...he's here and coming home...yay! He's home for the weekend! (we think). YAY!

Saturday, Sept 5th: We head to a friends' house for some labor day BBQ fun and it was. We skip out early because the sitter is coming and we want a date night...badly! We get the kiddos home, showered, jammied and realized it's a lot quieter at home with kids on their way to we cancel the sitter and CHILL OUT. Rare...but it was awesome. YAY!

Sunday, Sept 6th: Church day and a day of fishing and camping out. Took a nice drive out to Lawton and had some fun times with the boys. Came home and set up the tent so we could camp out in the back yard because if daddy gets another call he has to go and get there quickly. So we set it up...get all excited....and tell our ghost stories. As we settle in for a "long night", Zach says an hour after we put our heads to the pillow: "It's too hot can we go in?". In we go, and we all have a wonderful and cool sleep!

Monday, Sept 7th: MOMMY'S DAY OFF. I took the entire day to just window shop and let my hair down. I can't tell you what it's been like for the past two years to not just be able to browse the aisles of a store and not be in a hurry to pick someone up, drop someone off, take someone somewhere or expect a call at such and such a time. It was the most wonderful 6 hours of my life. That was until I got home. I walk in to find that my boys had decorated some cards for me and made me a cake because it was I LOVE MOMMY DAY. It was the best 8 hours of my life xo.

Tuesday, Sept 8th: DADDY LEAVES. Off to the zoo we go. It was awesome. The boys start swim lessons. No word from daddy.

Wednesday, Sept 9th: Heavy work out day because still NO WORD FROM DADDY.

Thursday, Sept 10th: TY'S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ~ FINALLY!!!! Zach started a month ago so it's just been Ty and I at home...and let me just tell you: this guy has been R-e-a-d-y for something of his own....just as his mom has wanted for him too. Not to mention this is the FIRST TIME that I will have TWO FULL DAYS TO MYSELF ALL SCHOOL YEAR LONG. Thank GOD half day kindergarten is over. You just have no idea what my living hell was like for me last year; juggling single parenting, half day kindergarten, boys' extra curriculars and that damn homework! You. have. NO.IDEA. So I am very much looking forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays this will be worth every penny.

The boys go to swimming lessons again only to learn I am paying for 3 lifeguard salaries not the actual swimming lessons I paid for for BOTH boys. I had a "word" with the instructor. We'll see how the lessons go on Tuesday.


Friday, Sept 11th: big work out day (see a pattern here?). Carry on our day, keeping busy. Movie night as per usual.

Saturday, Sept 12th: The boys start tumbling class. It's an hour on Saturdays at the college. So far so good. The instructors insist that the parents drop off and come back ~ SAY NO MORE...I'M OUTTA THERE!

My house is now spotless....and by spotless, I mean S-P-O-T-L-E-S-S. Stress does that to me. It makes me clean and work out. My house appreciates it. So if you're thinking of visiting you better drop by soon. The boys seem to be allergic to all things clean and organized.

Plus I could always use the company. Just sayin'


Mom's Best Tricks said...

yaow-za! Busy mom!

I am so looking forward to that time where kiddies are more independant... Right now, it's all about them, and that hard on mommy and daddy!!!

Take care!

Deb said...

I. Have. No. Idea...

Here's to Terrific Tuesday and Thank Goodness It's Thursday!

Denise said...

You rock!