Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Update - updated (with pics)

1) I am done whining about being lonely and done feeling sorry for myself....and hopefully done with the depressing blogs...(hopefully) everyone cheer!

2) I got to hug and squeeze the sweetest niece a few weeks ago. You can all be jealous that we were the first family to get Hayley Hugs....nanny nanny boo boo!

3) I am having a BLAST training for my first triathlon ~ which is in 10 days. You can read about it on my Running Blog. Link is to the top right of this blog! Scott and I are doing it together...and I am loving all this time with him.

3a) The kids have nick named me Tri-Mom-athon! See reason #4 why the "athon" was added.

4) Scott and I are also training for a half marathon. Yes you could say we're making up for lost time.What better way to celebrate 13 years married, than by running 13.1 miles together? (insert sarcastic comment here) It just so happens, the very weekend we are running it, it exactly 13.1 years married too. Awwwwwwwwww (insert goofy hearts here!). Oh and P.S he (not "we") also signed up for the Tulsa Full marathon which is three weeks afterwards. He says he is only doing it for the cool medal and for the tech shirt!!! Whatever dude! He hasn't been able to do these kinds of things for YEARS...his last marathon was 2003 when Zach was 3 months old. So I say "go get'm"! I will be cheering at mile 17 and the finish!

5) The boys are loving school. Ty is actually excited about having homework in Kindergarten (that makes one of us). Zach continues to do well and has his very first male teacher this year. I am curious to hear how the year unfolds.

6) I am starting a Running Club with the boys' elementary school. My hope is to get some kids on board to help fight the obesity problem in Oklahoma but also to gear them up to participate in the 2nd annual Earlywine Dash. (join the fan page for updates)

7) I am VERY close to fulfilling a dream of mine. I have a meeting today to discuss my options. I will let you know how that goes. Please wish me luck.

8) Tri suits are very unflattering. 'nuff said.

9) Life is busy....Ty is playing flag football for the first time this year and Zach is gearing up for his second year of Hockey. My boys are really growing up and I just don't know how I feel about that. But I can say I am super proud of them both.

10) I LOVE HAVING MY HUSBAND HOME. Have I mentioned that lately? LOL

Have a great weekend everyone.


Sara K. said...

10 - love that picture - shout out to CR!
9 - Amen
8 - Yes, but you don't have to wear one, and if you do, lots of other people will be in them too.
7 - Are you getting BOOBS?
6 - We have one this year, too! Both Lydia and Gaby are logging miles. Yay!
5 - Lydia has a male teacher this year, as well.
4 - That medal is totally worth the entry fee! Sweet.
3 - Told you so.
2 - Yes, jealous.
1 - YAY!

Christy said...

Nope! Boobs are in a few months. This was about getting certification through the Y for personal fitness training. I spoke with the fitness director and she's gave me a bunch of options to try (through the Y). I'm so excited.

Alyssa said...

Awesome list! Super awesome about the personal trainer thing. I've always thought that would be such a sweet job, because if I had the time/ability I would be such a gym rat like I was in college... Hope it works out for you!!

Chrystapooh said...

Yay for everything! Especially for BOOBS! I want boobs, too, but not until we're sure we're done with having kids.