Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I have a buddy. He's been near and dear to my heart since I was born. He lets me ride his horses, drive his horses, play with his horseshoes and he takes my kids for rides in the tractor. He's a quiet soul but very lively when he wants to be. He's my gramp!
Grampa has been through a lot the past few weeks with his leg and now a reaction to his meds. It's hard to hear the updates over the phone and not be physically there to see him or offer help. We'd love to hear that he's him home again and recooperating the way he should be after his surgery. We'll be home in August and we can't wait to see him again. However, he is going to need to be in tip top shape so he can keep up with my boys. Please keep him in your prayers. We are hoping he's seen the worst of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of him! He is a sweet handsome man! He is on my prayers and thoughts!
Love Duke xo