My friend SHELL is a blog stalker! She's been too shy to post...but she reads all your blogs and finds you all insane! A loveable insane that is.
She knows about Deb spelled backwards is bed, that she triggered a fire alarm at a retirement home with 90 birthday candles and had to help "turtle herd" the residents to safety. She knows about the UMC. She knows Alyssa smashes things on my head for kicks. She knows that Sara is married to Jerry and is related to Deb and that Deb is not "technically" a SIL but she is be default because we love her and she's related to Sara. She knows that Anna likes to subhead her subheads and she just learned that Nicole is a friend of Chrysta's, whom none of us have met, but have welcomed her into the "inner circle"
So with that said, you've officially been OUTED Shell! Now you can post your comments ! *sticking my tongue out at you*
AND if you are so compelled, you can join the UMC! (she has been reading about it since it's creation!)
What, were you typing while we were on the phone?! not right. Although, technically I think I did out myself a few months ago (Alyssa's blog I think).
Okay now that I'm out...I totally want to join the UMC! :)
PS~ I know I've been talking to you too much...I used "Dude" and "totally" in the same post :)
shell you're in
when you start blogstalking other blogstalkers (nicole) you have a serious problem and we love you for it
I say, stalk away!! I'm a big blog-hopper myself. Hey, if you want to read mine, have Christy send me your email address!
I just love that I somehow wormed my way into the inner circle. I think I talk to all of you more than my own sisters! I feel like having Mom Kilgore watch my kids so Chrysta and I could shop for flip-flops somehow acted as a catalyst. My Keaton calls her grandma -- that has to count for something.
But Chrysta, we have to have standards for admission -- how do we know Shell is ugly enough to be one of us? What is she showers daily? Or before noon? What if she wears clothes that fit and don't have holes/poop/bananas/dried ramen noodles on them?
It's up to Christy to vouch for Shell's ugliness, like any good friend should.
I agree. I'm more than happy to admit more TRULY Ugly Mom's to the inner circle. The more the merrier. But Christy has to vouch for the sheer ugliness of Shell. If she does then Shell, welcome to the Fuglies.
I'm feeling the ugly love from here! Nichole~ Does it count thatI'm wearing 2 year old paint splattered shorts b/c they're the only ones baggy on me and because of that little fact I still call them my "Good Shorts" ?
Good enough for me, as long as this occurs somewhat frequently. Every mom has ugly days, but it takes a special kind of woman to keep it up for weeks/months/years on end.
I, for example, am still wearing the clothes I worked out in 4 hours ago, have not showered, have no makeup on (and I am a total pizza face right now) and stink to high heaven. And I went in this state after working out directly to Kinkos and then 3 other stores. And I couldn't possibly have cared less what other people thought of me.
THAT is what a fugly does.
Here's a little tid bit of info that none of you know! Shell and I met on and have been online/phone friends for almost five years now. We haven't met (yet) but are very dear friends. We've seen pictures of each other, know each other's kids' birthdays, send each other gifts in the mail, greeting cards too, and call each other at least once weekly. (she accompanied us on our trip from Canada to OK last year *by phone*, and again this year). Neither of us are phone people yet each time we talk we average at least 45 minutes on the phone together!!!
Excellent! Shell, "dude" is a regular in my vocabulary. As is "fiber of my being." (Nicole, weird.) So we have Shell and Sara's friend JoAnna as new members. It's like the nerds have taken over the school!
Clarification... Nicole is not weird. It is weird that she posted that, because it is one of my all-time favorite things to say. What is weird, however, is a picture of myself in a side pony, so I am retiring it immediately.
Clarification 2.0 ... I do not not think you are nerds. Just Ugly. I should have been more specific.
Deb, I am weird.
Also, Boone and I both use the word "dude" so frequently that we embarrass ourselves.
Seriously, are we related?
We call our kids "dude" and they are now calling each other dude. That is wierd.
Dude. I say the word Dude so much I've probably used it in Relief Society lessons (I know for a fact I use it in primary at least once a Sunday) and prayers/testimonies from the pulpit. Dude is just a good, all-around word. And I believe that with ever fiber in my being, Deb.
Shell, JoAnna, welcome.
p.s. Nicole, seriously? Only four hours? You can do better than that. Yesterday I abstained from showering/washing my hair/putting on makeup/getting dressed until about 9 PM after I got back from the gym. In the interim I was at Cam's school twice, and went to playgroup where people could stare at my greasy hair and two inch roots (okay, the roots are totally hairdresser comes to my HOUSE!). So freeing.
Dude was not big in my vocabulary until I started talking to Christy more and it is cemented there!
And by the you know that phone call was the only time I have been over the Mississippi River? :)
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