Sunday, March 08, 2009

Calling on ALL my readers: I need your help!!!!!!! (please)

Ok so the half marathon is next month and I want to create an original T-shirt to wear for it. I KNOW all of you are whitty and smart and are just the resource I need right now for some ideas!

Please....please help a sista-friend out.

Leave me a comment with your best catchy t-shirt slogan ....I need some inspiration! (and it may be the very one I use ~ lucky you ;-) )


Alyssa said...

"Running Mom: The Lady, The Myth, The Legend"

"Stop Drooling. I know I look sexy in spandex!"

"Walk a Mile in My Shoes. I'll Run 13 in Yours."

"No, I'm not a Liger. But I do have skillz and magic."

"Next Stop: Finish Line"

"These shoes were made for running. And that's just what they'll do!"

"Does my butt look nice from way back there?"

Christy said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THOSE!!! I knew I could count on you!!!! You rock ... love you.

Kat said...

Race entry fee: $XX
Kicking your butt: Priceless!

Can you even see my feet at this speed?

I could share my playlist with you, but would it really help?

13 today, 26 next year!

I feel fine, how about you?

Sara K. said...

Can't compete with Lylla. It's a toss up between "Does my butt look nice from way back there" and "Stop drooling..." as my favorite.

If you want trashy: "Ugly moms do it faster." :-)

Anonymous said...

My own ideas:
"Cool moms run"
"Run like someone is chasing you"

I think my fav of those above is "next stop: finish line"!

Erin said...

OMG! I love
"Stop Drooling. I know I look sexy in spandex!"


"Does my butt look nice from way back there?"

I can't compete with these, so I'll just give my favs! So funny!!!

Shell said...

LOVE "Does my butt look nice from way back there?"
and "Walk a Mile in My Shoes. I'll Run 13 in Yours."

Alyssa rocks!!
Hey maybe you should use that ;)

Christy said...

Awesome Kat! Love it!

Christy said...

I love all of your's and still want more. We'll put them all to a vote:

*Run hard or walk home
*You better read fast becouse i'm leaving you behind
*If you can read this, you should give up now.
* May the course be with you.
* Trample the Weak. Hurdle the Dead.
* I will do today what you won't, so tomorrow I can do what you can't.
* Running is a mental sport and we're all insane.
* In a world of give and take, give what it takes.
* Seven days without running makes one weak.

Anonymous said...

"I want to be around to see my Grand kids,so get up and do your part too :) "