Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've let it go!

I have re-read my Marathon update and I have realized that it sounded more sad and gloomy than it did VICTORIOUS! I don't want to give that impression. Being that it was my first, I had certain expectations going into it but the reality of it all was entirely different. I will agree, however, I was saddened by the sudden change in temps, that my GU didn't take and that the course was a little tougher than I had expected, but ....... I did indeed run "the damn thing" and feel pretty good about it! I ran a half marathon for Pete's sake! Who am I to whine about my time? So I apologize if my update sounded melancholy.

I have realized just this week, that when you set out to complete a half marathon it's not about the stats, the splits, the number of times walked; it's more about the journey. It's about experiencing the training, the "running environment", the starting line, the gun going off, and the victory of finishing a tough course. It's all of it. And hey, even if the course was tougher than expected; good for me. The tougher it is, the better. Because once you endure a tough course, you come out the other side of it a stronger person: both mentally and physically. Nothing can beat that feeling (or those endorphins). The only stats of that day that matter is: 13.1!


Mari said...

Dude. It's about time! Way to find your happy place =)

Alyssa said...

This made me smile:)

Denise said...

That's more like it!

Shell said...


Jess B said...

There's my Christy! :)

Deb said...

Dude, YES!

Nicole said...

Thatta girl:) I knew you'd get there!

Anna@Exasperation said...

Woot! You rock!!