Sunday, October 31, 2010

7 Days!

As my other blog would tell you, we are 7 days away from our Half Marathon!

I have to admit, as much as I dislike LONG distances, the training for this half hasn't been so bad. I definitely credit the cross training for sure. I have been incorporating regular brick work outs each week and I can see a huge change in my running. But with that said, this will be my last half marathon! I didn't think I would be doing another one since 2009, but Scott and I decided that because we're celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary this year (October), why not celebrate it running 13.1 miles together on the 13.1 year married? So we are. And no, to answer your question before you ask, we will NOT be running 26.2 miles together on our 26th wedding anniversary!

Oh and check this out. We're putting up our tree Wednesday. My mom flies in on Thursday to watch the kiddos and we take off on Friday. Heading to D-town, catching a symphony that night, doing some shopping Saturday, laying low Saturday night, and Race Day on Sunday! Monday night we'll be celebrating Christmas with mom and the kids. Crazy eh? I'll update with pictures later.

Wish us luck!


Deb said...

Never say never ...

Good luck and have a great time!

Sara K. said...

Did you just say Christmas!??!?! Good luck and have fun, you'll do great.

Chrystapooh said...

Good luck with the half and with your early Christmas!