Sunday, January 20, 2008

Daddy Diaries ~ January 20th

If you missed the Birthday Traditions post, please scroll down. It's worth the read.

Today was cold...and I mean, chill to the bone cold. It's unmotivating cold. It's stay-in-bed-all day-long cold. So that is precisely what we did. (aside from making mommy birthday brownies, of course)


Sara K. said...

Happy Birthday Christy! Bummer about missing the Rawlins/Kilgores BUT what a nice surprise for your birthday to see Scott. Yay for the silver lining.

Alyssa said...

Yeah, I'm glad you got to see Scott, too!! I hope the bad news wasn't tooooo bad. That's always bad when the bad news is like... really bad. If it makes you feel any better, it was -12 degrees out here with the wind chill?? And I had to go to work in it?? And I'm still sick, so work really sucked?? And my kids were presenting these projects that we've spent A LONG time working on, and half of them didn't have it ready to turn in?? And then I was cranky all day?? And I couldn't stop sneezing???? Feel better?? I hope so:)

Erika said...

It was good hearing from you! It looks like you are staying busy. I hope you are enjoying Tinker.

Lisa said...

Those boys are getting way too big!!! But at least they know how to stay cute. Love the videos!